Git vs SVN - Which source control system is best for Agile development?

May 03, 2022

Git vs SVN - Which source control system is best for Agile development?

When it comes to selecting a source control system for Agile development, there are two main options that are widely used: Git and SVN. Both are popular and are used by developers globally, but which one is better suited for Agile development teams? Let's compare and find out.


Git is a distributed version control system that was initially developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Git is a free and open-source tool that allows developers to manage their codebase efficiently. Git uses a fully decentralized model that allows developers to work with complete independence.

Some benefits of using Git include:

  • Git provides fast branching and merging.
  • Git has the capability to handle large data sets efficiently.
  • Git provides an excellent user interface that is both clean and easy to use.
  • Git has a vast online community that provides extensive support to users.


Subversion (SVN) is an open-source version control system that was created in 2000 by CollabNet. SVN is a popular tool for managing source code repositories. SVN uses a centralized approach, unlike Git, where there is a single central repository that all users can access.

Some benefits of using SVN include:

  • SVN provides excellent access control features.
  • SVN has a smooth learning curve and does not require extensive knowledge.
  • SVN integrates well with popular development tools such as Visual Studio and Eclipse.


Both Git and SVN have similar functionalities and cater to the same requirements. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Working Offline

One significant advantage of Git over SVN is that it works seamlessly even when developers are offline or disconnected from the internet. Git's distributed approach means that developers can make changes and commits even when they're not connected to the internet. SVN, on the other hand, requires a network connection to update, commit, or merge files.


Git's distributed model allows it to handle large data sets more efficiently. Git is also faster when it comes to branching and merging, making it an excellent option for Agile development teams. SVN, with its centralized approach, can sometimes take longer when it comes to merging and branching.

Access Control

For Agile development teams, access control features are critical. SVN has excellent access control features that are easy to use, and administrators can quickly set up permission levels for each user. Git, on the other hand, does not have access control features as built-in, making it more challenging to set up.


Both Git and SVN are excellent tools, and the choice between the two depends entirely on the specific needs of the development team. SVN's centralized approach and straightforward user interface make it easier for beginners to learn, but Git's distributed model and better performance make it an ideal option for Agile development teams. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of the development team.


Git vs. SVN - Choosing the Right Version Control System
Git vs. SVN: What is the Difference?
Git vs. Subversion - The Differences that Matter

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